Berlin-Fennpfuhl Plattenbau-buildings version No.1
By MeisterMonis, on 07 Nov 2022, last updated 01 Jan 2025
All buildings which are currently available as assets placed down. Beige 5-floors are sort of placeholders. The two schools on "Otto-Marquardt-Straße" are torn down nowadays.
Also includes some buildings outside of the project Area.
- Category
- Ami's Berlin Restore
- Tags
- View count
- 756
- Download count
- 508
- Area
- Small (1.782166 km²)
- Height
- Gentle (7.634995 m)
- Total objects
- 80
- Unique Workshop Assets
- 7
- Buildings
- Props
- Trees
- Segments
- Required DLC
- None
- Required Mods
- None
- Required Workshop Assets
- 2441624043.BER QP71 A103 No.1_Data (22 uses)
- 2441624043.BER QP71 A104 No.1_Data (17 uses)
- 2828681788.HAL IW70 P2-5 4EW No.1_Data (13 uses)
- 2828681788.HAL IW70 P2-5 4ES No.1_Data (9 uses)
- 2832193941.FFO WBS70 PH12G-55WE No.1_Data (4 uses)
- 2832193941.FFO WBS70 PH12G-55WE No.1_2_Data (3 uses)
- 2182679524.Elementary school Berlin Pankow_Data (4 uses)
- 2181668212.sports hall gym school_Data (2 uses)
- 2590193303.HAL SBB substation large_Data (2 uses)
- Children Builds
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Fennpfuhl buildings v3 w supermarket
By AmiPolizeiFunk
One sub-child inside.
fennpfuhl-buildings-v3.xml Download